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Tour will showcase historic homes

Friday, December 16, 2005 4:20 PM | Deleted user

Suzette Hackney, The Detroit Free Press, December 16, 2005
Article on Boston Edison's Annual Holiday Home Tour)

It's one of the city's most striking neighborhoods: Historic Boston-Edison. Once home to Detroit's high society - from auto barons to politicians to Motown pioneers - the 900 homes tucked off Woodward Avenue are a sight to see. And for the 30th year, some of the homes will be open to the public for the 2005 BostonEdison Holiday Home Tour.

The walking and bus tour is a great way to admire the breathtaking architecture of the early 1900s. Bordered by Boston Boulevard, Edison Avenue, Woodward and Linwood, houses list for prices in the $100,000s to nearly $1 million....

The Historic Boston-Edison Association was founded in 1921 and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the family neighborhood it serves. Aside from whatt the association does all year, members sponsor one of the best holiday tours in the region. (I've gone in previous years.)

Experiencing the craftsmanship, architecture and unique features of each home is well worth the cost to get inside the doors.

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